Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Carena Shannon

Note: *Spotlight publishes graduates bi-weekly!*

Carena Shannon

Carena Shannon (GRIL U Graduate, 2006)
Ministry: Navigators

Carena Shannon is making a difference in several ministries that she is playing a role in. She serves as a bible study leader for a teen girls group that meets bi-weekly.  In addition to that, she also mentors teens who participate in GRIL U, with the help of the Navigator leaders. She has been working as a mentor for the past 3 yrs.

Takeaways: GRIL U has helped Carena gain a better awareness of herself. In making her mission statement "leading and teaching youth about her spirituality and relationships," Carena has applied that to her life and is now working towards gaining a degree in ministry, with an emphasis of business at North Park Theological Seminary. She has already obtained her bachelors in Social Work, and would like to work in ministry in a more societal focus rather than a church setting.

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