Grand Rapids Initiative for Leaders is a faith based leadership development training program.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
What's Happening Now

This week, the teens are continuing on with the Believe 2 Become program. They are learning more on what it means to be a community and the resources that are available to a community. What makes a community a community? What vital things make up the central components of a community? Through this we have challenged the teens to be more aware of their surrondings and realize what makes their communities specifically unique. Also going on this week is time management, where we take teens through a week of thier lives and have them write down everything that they do!
What's Happening Now
Believe 2 Become is now in week 4, and the teens are over halfway done with the program! We feel privelaged to be able to work with these teens, and it's our goal to continue walking with them the rest of the summer. Already the staff here at GRIL is seeing differences being made in the lives of these teenagers. Every day is a unique experience where 45 lives come together to challenge themselves and ask tough questions. As these teens go through this program, a familiar verse pops into mind. Proverbs 27:17 which states, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." We have seen throughout this program, teens stepping out of their comfort zone to challenge themselves and their peers in their everday beliefs and values. We have also seen the awareness level with how people act and treat each other raised as well, and it has been an encouraging thing to see. So as the summer continues, we look forward to continued journey which we are on with the Believe 2 Become program. Throughout it all, God is faithful!!
DEVOTIONS: by Pastor Raymond J. Hamilton
“Oh Lord I love you, for you are the desire of my heart. . .”
Just to encourage your hearts this morning Mathew 17:20: “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed… nothing will be impossible for you.” A little faith goes a long way in clearing your mind, in restoring inner peace, in allowing you to function as a person who is capable of great things, for indeed you are. Faith in God in you and in others develops courage, patience, understanding, hope, and so much more. It strengthens you and every aspect of your life. Each thought or act of faith is like a single fiber that, when woven together with others, creates a lifeline that connects you to health peace, prosperity, and great opportunities.
Have enough faith to keep on going even when there seems no way to go on. Such faith is the understanding that God will see you through whatever it is that you are experiencing. Faith is surrendering to God’s presence and power and accepting that with God, nothing is impossible. Remember “God is able and He won’t fail.” Be blessed and may you always have enough faith to know, enough patience to wait, and enough will to trust God to work out everything in your life.
Just to encourage your hearts this morning Mathew 17:20: “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed… nothing will be impossible for you.” A little faith goes a long way in clearing your mind, in restoring inner peace, in allowing you to function as a person who is capable of great things, for indeed you are. Faith in God in you and in others develops courage, patience, understanding, hope, and so much more. It strengthens you and every aspect of your life. Each thought or act of faith is like a single fiber that, when woven together with others, creates a lifeline that connects you to health peace, prosperity, and great opportunities.
Have enough faith to keep on going even when there seems no way to go on. Such faith is the understanding that God will see you through whatever it is that you are experiencing. Faith is surrendering to God’s presence and power and accepting that with God, nothing is impossible. Remember “God is able and He won’t fail.” Be blessed and may you always have enough faith to know, enough patience to wait, and enough will to trust God to work out everything in your life.
July Memory Verse
John 1:1 "In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God...and the word became flesh."
July Prayer Requests
Randi Vorhees' mom, Joyce, who has lung cancer.
Tim Brown - health.
Kelvin's mom-health.
Amy's dad- health.
Please pray for GRIL's Believe to Become high school summer site. We will have 45 teens who will be challenged to grow as social justice fighters in our city.
Randi Vorhees' mom, Joyce, who has lung cancer.
Tim Brown - health.
Kelvin's mom-health.
Amy's dad- health.
Please pray for GRIL's Believe to Become high school summer site. We will have 45 teens who will be challenged to grow as social justice fighters in our city.
An Interview with Katie Novakowski
Recently GRIL had the opportunity to catch up with former GRIL graduate Katie Novakowski. Here's what she had to say about her expirience with GRIL!
GRIL: Hey Katie! Wow, it's been a while how are you? Ok, jumping right in, what was the greatest memory that you’ve had at GRIL U?
Katie: Wow! That was fast, and I'm doing very well! I would have to say that the greatest memory that I've had at GRIL was when we took the
GRIL: What was one or two of your 'ah hah' moments? Or take-away moments that you learned at GRIL?
Katie: I would have to say finding out and knowing that
God has a bigger plan for me than I realized myself. Also the time management class that we took really helped shape me for me who I am.
God has a bigger plan for me than I realized myself. Also the time management class that we took really helped shape me for me who I am.
GRIL: Have you been able to maintain those “ah hahs” or take aways?
Katie: Staying in contact with people is the big key to it all and I've been able to do that! Also going back to the time management skills I learned, it's important to surround myself with positive people.
What do you think GRIL has prepared you best for?
What do you think GRIL has prepared you best for?
Katie: It overall has made me a better leader and has equipped me towards a sucessful future!
GRIL: Thanks for the time Katie! Blessings on you!
Katie: Thanks, and I'll see you soon!!!
Friday, July 1, 2011
July Weekly Update
Jesus is Lord! It has been an amazing week with our believe to become teenagers. There are times where you can see actually see understanding and pride that come forth from these teens as they grasp a concept. They are truely a unique group, and the whole GRIL staff feels privelaged to work with them. Stay tuned to the blog to hear more about them, and their stories. Again, all honor and glory to God and the opportunities he has given the whole staff here at GRIL.
What's Happening Now
GRIL has been in amazing transition, as we graduated our newest GRIL class of 2011 and are now into summer mode! For the summer of 2011, GRIL has had the opportunity to work with the Grand Rapids Public School system and be a site for the Believe 2 Become program. This opportunity has us working with 40 teenagers who are within the Grand Rapids Public School system, and GRIL finds itself in a unique opportunity to spread the love of God within the GRPS, and also develop and encourage these teens in their everday walk with God. It has been a joy to share with these teens the love that God has for them and his divine plan for every single one of them. This has been a whirlwind of activity on GRIL's front lines, but the staff has been amazing in adapting to their enviroment, and it has been awesome to see the hand of God at work within these teens lives. As such a time as this, God knew that GRIL was going to be involved with this and we step forward confidently entrenched in his promises. The coaches who are walking with these teens everyday are truly an example of servant leadership. Included are some pictures of these awesome teens and the work that GRIL is doing.
Devotions: Pastor Raymond J. Hamilton
“God specializes in things that seem impossible. . .”
Just to encourage your hearts this morning Proverbs 21:21 says: “He that follloweth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honour.
Seeking after righteousness is the secret of an honorable and overcoming life. If anyone will seek whole heartedly after righteousness and mercy, they will not only find it, but will obtain life and honor themselves. This is the same principle found in Jesus Sermon on the Mount in Mathew’s gospel the fifth chapter where He teaches how blessed we are if we are humble, meek, peaceable and so on. The Definition of Bible righteousness means to be in the right standing with God.
If we are in the right standing with God, we will then be right standing with men, as the Lord will always lead us to do the right thing toward our brothers and sisters. The bible is very clear that we cannot love God, whom we have not seen, if we do not love our brother, that we can see. Righteousness and mercy are so important in God’s economy, that when we seek His kingdom and His righteousness first, it will bring us life, righteousness and honor. We can also be assured that the Lord will take care of our needs, as that is His promise to us. Be blessed and remember “seek not your own understanding but all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
Just to encourage your hearts this morning Proverbs 21:21 says: “He that follloweth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honour.
Seeking after righteousness is the secret of an honorable and overcoming life. If anyone will seek whole heartedly after righteousness and mercy, they will not only find it, but will obtain life and honor themselves. This is the same principle found in Jesus Sermon on the Mount in Mathew’s gospel the fifth chapter where He teaches how blessed we are if we are humble, meek, peaceable and so on. The Definition of Bible righteousness means to be in the right standing with God.
If we are in the right standing with God, we will then be right standing with men, as the Lord will always lead us to do the right thing toward our brothers and sisters. The bible is very clear that we cannot love God, whom we have not seen, if we do not love our brother, that we can see. Righteousness and mercy are so important in God’s economy, that when we seek His kingdom and His righteousness first, it will bring us life, righteousness and honor. We can also be assured that the Lord will take care of our needs, as that is His promise to us. Be blessed and remember “seek not your own understanding but all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
July's Memory Verse
2 Thessalonians 3:3 The Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.
July's Prayer Requests
Randi Vorhees' mom, Joyce, who has lung cancer
Tim Brown - health
Kelvin's mom-health
Amy's dad- health
Please pray for GRIL's Believe to Become high school summer site. We will have 40 teens who will be challenged to grow as social justice fighters in our city
Randi Vorhees' mom, Joyce, who has lung cancer
Tim Brown - health
Kelvin's mom-health
Amy's dad- health
Please pray for GRIL's Believe to Become high school summer site. We will have 40 teens who will be challenged to grow as social justice fighters in our city
An Interview with Katie Novakowski
Recently GRIL had the opportunity to catch up with former GRIL graduate Katie Novakowski. Here's what she had to say about her expirience with GRIL!
GRIL: Hey Katie! Wow, it's been a while how are you? Ok, jumping right in, what was the greatest memory that you’ve had at GRIL U?
Katie: Wow! That was fast, and I'm doing very well! I would have to say that the greatest memory that I've had at GRIL was when we took the
GRIL: What was one or two of your 'ah hah' moments? Or take-away moments that you learned at GRIL?
Katie: I would have to say finding out and knowing that
God has a bigger plan for me than I realized myself. Also the time management class that we took really helped shape me for me who I am.
God has a bigger plan for me than I realized myself. Also the time management class that we took really helped shape me for me who I am.
GRIL: Have you been able to maintain those “ah hahs” or take aways?
Katie: Staying in contact with people is the big key to it all and I've been able to do that! Also going back to the time management skills I learned, it's important to surround myself with positive people.
What do you think GRIL has prepared you best for?
What do you think GRIL has prepared you best for?
Katie: It overall has made me a better leader and has equipped me towards a sucessful future!
GRIL: Thanks for the time Katie! Blessings on you!
Katie: Thanks, and I'll see you soon!!!
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